
Brussels Sprouts Salad

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½ C The Tasteful Olive’s medium or robust intensity EVOO

1 T honey

2 T The Tasteful Olive’s Champagne wine vinegar            

1 ½ tsp fresh squeezed lemon juice                                      

¼ tsp fresh grated lemon zest                                                    

1 T whole grain mustard (or use regular Dijon)                  

½ small clove garlic, minced                                                    

Kosher salt and black pepper to taste                                                                          


½ pound Brussel sprouts, leaves only, sliced thinly lengthwise

1 T dried blueberries       

1 T dried cranberries 

2 T sliced almonds (optional)  

1 oz feta cheese                                                


Whisk honey, vinegar, lemon juice and zest, mustard, garlic, ½ tsp salt and pinch of pepper in a large bowl. Whisk oils into vinegar mixture until combined. Toss Brussel sprouts, dried fruit nuts, ¼ C dressing in large bowl. Top with cheese.