
Health Benefits

Health Benefits

Olive Oil

  • Helps prevent cardiovascular diseases
  • Reduces levels of LDL cholesterol and increase level of HDL, the good cholesterol because of its content of high monounsaturated fats
  • Aids in the digestion process
  • High in omega 3, Vitamin E and phenols
  • Helps lower blood pressure because of its high levels of antioxidants
  • Diuretic
  • Promotes healthy skin and hair

Balsamic Vinegar

  • Assists in production of disease-fighting oxidants
  • Aids in production of digestive enzymes (improves metabolism)
  • Helps strengthen bones and fight anemia and fatigue


More in depth information

Olive Oil Health Benefits

The earliest knowledge and use of olive oil is said to be around 6000 B.C. in the area we now call Syria. In Biblical times, olive oil beautified the body, cured ills and fed the soul. King Saul was crowned by rubbing oil onto his forehead and,Solomon had the doors of the temple carved out of olive wood. Olive oil soon became a trading commodity. Olive oil was called "liquid gold" because it was precious and useful. There are over 700 varieties of olives in the world. 

  1. Olive oil is a "health fat." Extra virgin olive oil (EVOO) means an oil "obtained solely from the fruit of the olive tree; it excludes oils obtained using solvents or mixed with other type oils, and (the olives have no defects). Its major compounds are triglycerides and mono-unsaturates which is the oleic acid or "heath fat." The minorcomponents are tocopherols and polyphenols which have a major antioxidant function. The fat has energy value of 9 calories/gram. Oils which are refined have altered and removed some of these components.
  2. Olive Oil should be "fresh." Only fresh 100% extra virgin olive oil contains all anti-oxidant and bioactivecompounds. These substances such as Vitamin E and Vitamin K and phenols protect the body from negative effects of free radicals, which are a major cause for degeneration of the cells and early aging. The aging process can slow down because olive oil's use, as the cells are more resistant to oxidation.
  3. Olive oil helps bile, liver and intestinal functions (like digestion). It assists secretions of the peptic system in the digestive tract. Chlorophyll in fresh EVOO cleanses the gall bladder thus reducing stone formation
  4. Olive Oil has beneficial effects in dietary treatment of diabetes. New studies show that fresh olive cuts the risk of developing diabetes almost in half. EVOO appears to be highly protective against Type 2 diabetes. A study done with 418 healthy people on the Mediterranean diet rich in olive oil reduced the risk of Type 2 diabetes by over 40%.
  5. Olive Oil helps control blood pressure. It improves function of blood vessel lining. One study showed that true olive oil reduced the need for blood pressure meds by 48%.
  6. Olive Oil acts as an anti-inflammatory: an antioxidant in true extra virgin olive oil (called oleocanthal) which works similarly to ibuprofen. Extra virgin olive oil's fatty acid level (the oleic acid count being 73% or more in olive oil) can reduce levels of important inflammatory markers like C-reactive protein.
  7. Olive Oil regular usage daily is heart healthy. It has a positive effect on blood cholesterol by protecting LDL cholesterol from oxidation, which improves the lining of the blood vessels and may prevent excessive blood clotting. A diet rich in EVOO can slow the aging of the heart. In November of 2004 the FDA put out a public message saying that two tablespoons a day of fresh olive oil is recommended for hearth health…. but the dosage needs to replace the same amount of the consuming of bad fats.
  8. Olive Oil, in two major studies numbering 981,000 people, olive oil was found to be the only source of mono-unsaturated fat associated with a reduced risk of stroke and heart disease; and that those who consumed olive oil were at a much lower risk of stroke than those who did not.
  9. Olive Oil has antibacterial properties …. it can inhibit or kill harmful bacteria, such as Helicobacter pylori, a bacterium that lives in the stomach and can cause ulcers and stomach cancer. EVOO fights 8 strains of this bacterium, 3 of which are resistant to antibiotics.


Balsamic Vinegar Health Benefits

Having its origins in Italy, balsamic vinegar is thick, aromatic, syrup-like vinegar that is prepared by the process of cooked grapes reduction. The reduced grape juice (called“must”) is then aged for about three to eighteen years. To enjoy the best Balsamic vinegar, make sure it was made in Modena or Reggio Emillo, Italy. Tasteful Olive carries this quality, flavorful, real balsamic. This sweet vinegar can provide many health benefits. 

  1. AntioxidantReal balsamics have antioxidants which destroy free radicals and as a result, protect your cells from destruction (like plaque formation in arteries, early aging etc.).  
  2. Immunity Support: The grapes that are used in the formation of balsamic vinegar contain quercetin, which is a bioflavonoid with antioxidant properties. Along with having Vitamin C, it strengthens your immune system, thereby making it easy for you to fight infections, inflammation, and some cancers. 
  3. Blood Sugar/Diabetes:  Real balsamic vinegar is low on glycemic index (about 5-15 grams fruit sugar/tablespoon) and doesn’t cause spikes in blood sugar levels. Research conducted revealed that consuming three to four tablespoons will enhance your insulin sensitivity (higher insulin sensitivity equals better diabetes control).  
  4. Pain Reliever: Balsamic vinegar was used in ancient times to relieve people of pain. People suffering from headaches and migraines found relief by taking some balsamic vinegar. This vinegar can also be used to treat infections and wounds as it has anti-viral and anti-bacterial properties.  
  5. Digestion Promotion: Balsamic vinegar also contains polyphenols which stimulate the pepsin enzyme activity in your body. Pepsin is a digestive enzyme that helps break down proteins into amino acids. Moreover, they assist your intestines to expeditiously absorb amino acids which makes it easy for your body to utilize, repair, and build cells.   
  6. Combats Indigestion: Rich in acetic acid, real balsamics stimulate the secretion of salivary and gastric juices and help soften and break down foods into simpler forms which help the bodydigest food better. If used consistently this less aggressive acetic acid has the ability to establish the proper pH level in the digestive tract; thus it induces the stomach to stop producing large quantities of hydrochloric acid.         Try a spoonful when the hiccups hit too! 
  7. Weight Loss Balsamic vinegar slows down digestion and helps prevent overeating. Its natural sweetness (about 10 calories/tablespoon –except for Vermont Maple Balsamic) creates simple, but delicious salad dressings that need only a bit of oil or other fat, like avocado or nuts or cheese to help absorb nutrients. Marinades without corn syrups, sugars etc. are easy with these flavorful balsamics. 
  8. Bone Health: Acetic acid and pepsin help improve the absorption of important minerals into your body like magnesium and calcium. These two minerals are important in the formation of strong and healthy bones. Balsamic vinegar is a good source of both minerals. 
  9. Leg Cramp Help: Leg cramps can often be a sign of insufficient potassium. Since balsamic vinegar is high in it, one home remedy suggests mixing two tablespoons vinegar and one teaspoon honey into a glass of warm water and drinking in evening to relieve night leg cramps. 
  10. Boost Energy: Extreme stress and exercise cause lactic acid to build up in the body, resulting in fatigue. Interestingly, the amino acids, potassium and enzymes contained in this barrel-aged balsamic relieve that tired feeling. Try a couple tablespoons in sparkling water for an energy boost! 