
Baby Patty Pan Squash

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Baby Patty Pan Squash

 2 lb baby patty pan squash, cleaned and halved

¼ lb diced yellow onions (use shallots for a diff. taste)

4 T The Tasteful Olive Baklouti Green Chile Olive Oil

The Tasteful Olive Sicilian Lemon Balsamic Vinegar to taste

Tasteful Olive Himalayan sea salt and Peppercorns (freshly ground) to taste


Heat the olive oil in large skillet. Saute’ onions for about 5 min. on medium high heat and then add the squash. Cook until squash is soft and onions are caramelized. Season with salt and pepper to taste and splash the Lemon Balsamic over the squash while still in the skillet. Serves 8.


*This is a tasty seasonal preparation with baby patty pan squash livened with a terrific Baklouti Green Chile Olive Oil and smoothed with a really good Lemon Balsamic Vinegar. Quick and easy; you will have it on the table in minutes!


By Tim Hall, from Gourmet Your