
Chocolate Cake Drizzled with Coconut Balsamic Vinegar Reduction

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*This is an easy preparation that only takes a few minutes. The cake is very light and takes on a whole new personality when topped with the Coconut BV Reduction.

1-1/2 C all-purpose flour                           2 beaten eggs

1/3 C unsweetened cocoa powder         5 T The Tasteful Olive mild olive oil

1 tsp baking soda                                       1 C cold water

1 C sugar                                                      1 tsp vanilla

½ tsp salt                                                     1 T The Tasteful Olive Coconut Balsamic Vinegar

                                                                       ½ C Coconut Balsamic Vinegar Reduction


Heat oven to 350 degrees F. Oil and flour a 9x9 pan and set aside. Mix dry ingredients and wet ones separately.

Combine and pour into pan. Bake 25-35 min. Use toothpick test to determine doneness. To serve … drizzle

Coconut Balsamic Reduction over individual servings.

     Recipe by Tim Hall, from Gourmet Your Friends